
Data Analytics

Data Analytics Services




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Services overview

Convenient & Simple

Start fast and easy.


Data is the essential raw material for digitization and the basis for automation and AI. It contains valuable knowledge.

The amount of data is constantly growing. It doubles approximately every 18 months.
Our Data Science services support you in gaining and using this knowledge in a wide range of industries.

Turn your data into value. Our experts accompany you every step of the way, you get everything from a single source.


Different types of Data Analysis

Descriptive Analytics: “What happened?”
Provides insights of past events

Diagnostic Analytics: “Why did it happen?”
Takes the results from Descriptive Analytics, dig deeper to find the causes of the results

Predictive Analytics: “What will happen next?”
Predict future outcomes based on historical data and trends

Prescriptive Analytics: “What should be done about it?”
Analyze past decisions & events to estimate likelihood of different outcomes

David Spiegelhalter

The Art of Statistics: Learning from Data

David Spiegelhalter guides you through the essential principles we need in order to derive knowledge from data.

10,49 €
